Cancer Commons founder Marty Tenenbaum, PhD, will speak about Cancer Commons at the Stanford Medicine X | CHANGE conference this Sunday, September 22 at 9:15 am. The conference is a “premier gathering of patients, providers, researchers, designers and technologists who are leading disruptive CHANGE in health care.”
Marty, who founded Cancer Commons after his own cancer journey, will discuss some of the major problems he’s working to fix:
Clinical oncology is in crisis. On one hand, patients and physicians are overwhelmed by a tsunami of research findings, conflicting expert opinions, and a shortage of actionable data. On the other, trials cost too much, take too long, and are two narrowly focused. Individual outcomes vary widely. Too many trials compete for too few patients. Every year, many thousands die unnecessarily because no one will ever know the best way to treat them with therapies that are already available. Can AI help?
We are developing an AI-based platform to run “Virtual Trials” (VT) that continuously learn from the experiences of all patients, on all treatments, all the time. Each patient is treated using the best available knowledge and therapies, and these are continuously refined based on clinical results This approach shifts the clinical trials paradigm from approving drugs to curing patients and understanding the disease. AI is used in three ways: It democratizes access to the thinking of top cancer experts; it coordinates treatment recommendations across patients and institutions to maximize learning; and it prioritizes promising treatments to accelerate their development. By tightly integrating cancer research and clinical care, we are enabling physicians to make better treatment decisions, bio-pharmas to slash the time and cost of developing drugs, and patients to achieve superior outcomes.
Click here to learn more about Stanford Medicine X | CHANGE.