Cancer Commons Presents Free Educational Webinar for Caregivers

We invite everyone to join an upcoming educational webinar that will focus on challenges, strategies, and resources for loved ones of cancer patients—particularly those affected by advanced or metastatic cancer.

You Are Not Alone—Validating the Caregiver Experience, will be offered virtually on May 18, 2022, at 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET.

Many who reach out to Cancer Commons for help are among the nearly 3 million people in the US providing informal care for an adult family member or friend with cancer at any given time. In this webinar, Cancer Commons’ Director of Patient Services Deb Christensen, MSN, APRN, AOCNS, OCN, will interview several experienced caregivers who have helped their parents, children, spouses, friends, or other loved ones through a variety of challenges, including treatment and end-of-life care. The one-hour session will also include opportunities for participant Q&A.

This is the second event in Cancer Commons’ Pat Looney Educational Series for Client Empowerment, a quarterly series focused on providing critically needed education and highly requested information to the cancer-impacted community.

“While we dealt with my wife’s cancer, I didn’t even think of myself as a ‘caregiver’ really—you just do what needs to be done for someone you love,” says series co-founder Mike Looney. “The true value of Cancer Commons for me as a caregiver came relatively late in Pat’s treatment when she was too weak to maintain her own vigilance. As decisions became more difficult, the doctors tended to pull back just when I needed them to come forward with straight, objective answers. I found the counsel or ‘navigation’ that I was seeking from Cancer Commons, and it was pivotal in Pat’s care.”

Future webinars in the series will provide information and resources about molecular testing, clinical trials, and exciting and significant developments related to various types of cancer.

To register for You Are Not Alone—Validating the Caregiver Experience, please click here. [VIDEO HERE]