Explore the Possibilities.

Cancer Commons Logo and POETIC Logo

Cancer Commons and the Pediatric Oncology Experimental Therapeutics Investigators’ Consortium (POETIC), based at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, are collaborating on an exciting new initiative to help children and adolescents facing recurrent/refractory cancer for which there are limited therapy options.
Clinical trials are standard for most children and adolescents with cancer, but when no appropriate trial is available, our Iterative Perpetual Pediatric Oncology Network (IPPON) initiative can efficiently search for more effective ways of using the thousands of therapies that are potentially available.
By focusing on what is best for each patient, IPPON may simultaneously: 1) improve individual outcomes; 2) potentially allow treatment closer to each patient’s home; and 3) rapidly learn which treatments are working best and accelerate their development.

To register your child for IPPON, we need a bit more information from you. Once you fill in the form below, you will hear from our navigation team so we can learn more about your child’s current needs. We look forward to working with you.

The IPPON consortium brings together a network of the best minds working in pediatric cancer care today:

  • Pediatric Oncology Experimental Therapeutics Investigators’ Consortium (POETIC)—a network of eleven leading children’s cancer centers that has been designing early stage clinical trials since 2003. POETIC is now based at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, under the leadership of Norman Lacayo, MD, a faculty members at Stanford University. POETIC will make the best-possible use of Stanford’s faculty, research, and history of collaboration built into the University’s mission.
  • Cancer Commons—a network of patients, physicians, and scientists dedicated to helping patients and their loved ones identify and access their best-possible, personalized treatment plans. Cancer Commons has pioneered perpetual trials in brain and pancreatic cancer.