Deloitte partner Heather Rangel
Heather Rangel is a Deloitte partner and a Cancer Commons Pathfinder donor and volunteer. She heads up Project Shine, in which she works with her extensive network to support Cancer Commons. Heather kick-started the campaign by setting a goal she wasn’t sure she could meet—swimming a 10,000 meter butterfly—and raised more than twice her target amount. I spoke with her about her achievement.
Newsweek’s Aimee Swartz writes about how Cancer Commons aims to change the treatment landscape in a new feature article. From the piece: But what about those patients who’ve had an exceptional response outside a clinical trial? After all, only about 3 percent of the 1.7 million people diagnosed with cancer each year in the U.S. take part in one. “Surely there are other super… Read more »
Tomorrow, Cancer Commons Executive Director William Wong will speak at the C-Change Big Data Meeting in Alexandria, VA. C-Change is an organization that brings together cancer leaders from across the U.S. to discuss major issues in the field. William will show how Cancer Commons is using data to improve the patient experience at every stage of treatment. Learn more: http://c-changetogether.org/
The Arizona Capitol Times tells the story of how Marty Tenenbaum’s personal experience with cancer led him to found Cancer Commons: The result of Tenenbaum’s quest for effective personalized medicine is the nonprofit network of patients, doctors and scientists known as Cancer Commons. The organization’s mission is to ensure that patients and physicians have the knowledge they need to make the best possible personalized… Read more »
Update: This event has passed, but you can watch the full conversation here: See Cancer Commons founder Marty Tenenbaum discuss “Big Questions, Big Data, and Big Science” on March 19 in Phoenix, Arizona. The event is hosted by AZBio, and will feature Marty in conversation with Joshua LaBaer, MD, PhD, of Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute. Visit the event page to learn more and register to… Read more »