Cancer Commons, in partnership with the Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research & Information, has a pilot study underway that seeks to improve outcomes for current glioblastoma (GBM) patients and identify promising therapies for development. The study will use genomic sequencing and other biomarker testing to help identify individualized treatment regimens and will capture and analyze clinical outcomes to inform treatment for future patients.… Read more »
We invite everyone to join the fourth webinar in Cancer Commons’ Pat Looney Educational Series for Client Empowerment, which will wrap up the series for the year with a presentation of vitally important information and tools for patients and caregivers. Tools and Strategies to Take Your Cancer Management to the Next Level, will be offered virtually and free of charge on Wednesday, November 9, at… Read more »
Cancer Commons is dedicated to helping more cancer patients understand their cancer diagnoses and find the most effective testing, treatments, and clinical trials. A new collaboration with Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center in Temecula, California, will allow us to connect with local patients, and serve as a model for future partnerships with community-based advocacy groups. Michelle’s Place offers a myriad of programs designed to… Read more »
Cancer Commons’ most recent webinar, Testing Matters—Understanding Cancer Biomarker Testing and How It Applies to You, was held virtually on September 14, 2022. During the webinar, Cancer Commons Scientists Kaumudi Bhawe, PhD, and Adrienne Nugent, PhD, provided plain-language explanations of different types of biomarker testing and described why, how, when, and where to access testing. They also answered audience questions. The webinar was the… Read more »
Cancer Commons is excited to share our latest collaboration with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). The purpose of the grant-funded project is for Cancer Commons to help pancreatic cancer patients referred by PanCAN achieve their best possible treatment outcomes and enroll in a longitudinal study assessing individualized therapies and contributing to improved outcomes for future pancreatic cancer patients. Patients will be entered in… Read more »
We invite everyone to join an upcoming webinar focused on helping cancer patients and caregivers understand molecular testing, the strengths and limitations of each kind, and how testing can be used to understand and help with your or your loved one’s particular cancer. Testing Matters—Understanding Cancer Biomarker Testing and How It Applies to You, will be offered virtually and free of charge on September 14, 2022, at… Read more »
“Cancer really shook up our lives when I was young, but it also paved the way for my lifelong quest to be on the front lines of research, doing the work to understand cancer and help develop treatments from multiple angles.” —Kaumudi Bhawe, PhD Here at Cancer Commons, Scientist Kaumudi Bhawe, PhD, works one-on-one with cancer patients and caregivers to ensure they have the… Read more »
Cancer Commons/Musella Foundation study of combination treatment regimens aims to improve outcomes for patients, identify promising therapies for development.
Hear from our Clinical Scientist Kaumudi Bhawe, PhD, and CFO/COO Shelley Frisbie in the latest episode of “Wait How Do You Spell That?”—a podcast produced by the news site Patient Worthy. In this interview, they discuss why it is so important for every patient to receive expert, compassionate support that considers the uniqueness of their cancer case. Visit the episode website to listen.
Healthcare Executive Rebecca (Owens) Driscoll will lead Cancer Commons from July 1, 2022.