Cancer Commons has partnered with the Precision Medicine World Conference to organize a dedicated Patient Track at their meeting in Silicon Valley, CA, in January 2020. We’ve lined up a great group of people to speak on a variety of topics about putting patient needs first, and understanding and accessing the latest cancer treatment options. Patients, caregivers, and advocates are welcome to attend, and can… Read more »
Last week, Cancer Commons founder Marty Tenenbaum, PhD, shared our mission and impact at a fundraiser gala hosted by the Kids & Art Foundation in Palo Alto, CA. The theme of the night? “Technology. Research. Therapy. Conversations on improving quality of cancer care.” Marty, who founded Cancer Commons after his own cancer journey, joined other innovative leaders at the gala to discuss the hopeful progress being… Read more »
In this month’s issue of Gentry Magazine, executive director Erika Vial Monteverdi shares the incredible impact that Cancer Commons has had for patients, as well as our bold and unique vision for the future: “At the core, it’s a very simple idea: namely, to wrap research and care around patient needs first. This starts with understanding a patient’s diagnosis, giving them compassion through good… Read more »
Cancer Commons founder Marty Tenenbaum, PhD, will speak about Cancer Commons at the Stanford Medicine X | CHANGE conference this Sunday, September 22 at 9:15 am. The conference is a “premier gathering of patients, providers, researchers, designers and technologists who are leading disruptive CHANGE in health care.” Marty, who founded Cancer Commons after his own cancer journey, will discuss some of the major problems he’s working to fix: Clinical oncology… Read more »

H8Cancer Founder and CEO Simeon Jaggernauth, DO, FACP
On Saturday, Sandy Noack, Cancer Commons development officer and patient concierge, joined nearly 2,000 guests to “rock for a cure” at Tomstock 2019. This annual, invitation-only event raises funds for the H8 Cancer Foundation, a major supporter of our mission and work. Although our founder Marty Tenenbaum was unable to attend, he delivered this heartfelt message, read to the crowd by Tomstock host Carman Duvall:… Read more »
This Saturday, Cancer Commons will join an expected 2000 guests to “rock for a cure” at Tomstock, a day-long music festival that supports people who have been touched by cancer and fuels research needed to improve cancer care. Now in its 6th year, Tomstock is a private, invitation-only benefit event for the H8 Cancer Foundation, a major funder of our mission and work. Last year, Tomstock 5 raised… Read more »
From a new piece by InMenlo: “Marty Tenenbaum walked out of the Menlo Medical Clinic dazed. He’d just been diagnosed with metastatic melanoma and given just months to live. “That was in 1998. In his search for medical treatment options, the doctors he consulted had different advice, but all agreed his condition was dire.” Read the full article here.
Cancer Commons is teaming up with eight other healthcare innovators to form the Oncology Clinical Trial Information Commons (OCTIC), a shared platform that will improve cancer patients’ access to information about clinical trials. Organized by the Biden Cancer Initiative, this collaboration also includes, Ciitizen, EmergingMed, GenomOncology, Genospace/Sarah Cannon Research Institute, IBM Watson Health, Massive Bio, and Syapse. Together, we’ll build the first release of OCTIC, which will unite each collaborator’s current technologies… Read more »
Cancer Commons founder Marty Tenenbaum, PhD, will deliver a Keynote Chat at Cancer Advance Boston on Wednesday, April 24 at 2:40pm. This annual gathering is “an invitation-only, off-the-record forum that brings together the past, present and future leaders to network and share expertise in cancer therapeutics.” Marty, who founded Cancer Commons after dealing with his own cancer diagnosis, will discuss some of the major problems he’s working to fix: “Clinical oncology… Read more »

Masako Yokota (center) and David Stein (right) will perform works by composer George Gershwin (left). Gershwin photo from George Grantham Bain collection, Library of Congress
We warmly invite everyone in the Cancer Commons community to an afternoon of lovely and lively music on Sunday June 9, in Los Altos, CA. Organized by our very own Masako Yokota, a cancer survivor and classically trained vocalist, the concert will feature a selection of tunes by renowned American composer George Gershwin. Ms. Yokota will be joined by local pianist and accompanist David Stein;… Read more »