Dr. Polsky received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, completed his medical internship at Montefiore Medical Center, his dermatology training at New York University (NYU), and a postdoctoral fellowship in Molecular Pathology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Polsky is currently a full-time physician-scientist at NYU, with his research laboratory, clinical practice, and teaching activities focused on melanoma and atypical nevi. He is currently the Alfred W. Kopf MD, Professor of Dermatologic Oncology, and Director of the Pigmented Lesion Clinic at NYU Langone Health. In 2004 Dr. Polsky led the addition of the “E” for Evolving to the ABCDE acronym to help the public recognize cutaneous melanoma at early stages. Dr. Polsky’s laboratory is focused on the development of tissue- and blood-based biomarkers to assist clinicians in the management of patients with metastatic melanoma. He is also working to incorporate inherited genetic variations into new predictive models that will better assess an individual’s risk for developing melanoma than current methods. The overall goal of his research is to translate the knowledge gained into new tools for melanoma risk assessment, prognosis, and therapy.