cervical cancer
October 22, 2020
ESMO 2019: Immunotherapy in Cervical and Endometrial Cancers Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDArticle from The ASCO Post curated by Contributing Editor George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
Recent clinical trial results show that immunotherapy—a type of treatment that boosts the immune system to fight cancer—provided long-lasting, improved outcomes for patients with advanced cervical or endometrial cancer. These are important findings for difficult-to-treat cancers.
October 22, 2020
Cervical Cancer—An Overview Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDOverview from Medscape curated by Contributing Editor George Lundberg, MD.
Cervical cancer can be detected early, but when it is fully developed it requires advanced treatment approaches. This comprehensive review outlines treatment options. (Free registration required, written with a physician audience in mind.)
December 13, 2019
Cervical Cancer – Overview Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDCurated by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
The third leading cause of cancer death of women in developing countries, advanced cervical cancer is relatively rare in the U.S. This comprehensive review summarizes it nicely.
August 26, 2019
CAR T-cell Therapy for HPV-Induced Metastatic Cervical Cancer Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDResearch paper from the Journal of Clinical Oncology, selected by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
CAR T-cell therapy has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for certain hematologic malignancies. This early study demonstrates its effectiveness in human papillomavirus (HPV)-induced metastatic cervical cancer as well.
Go to full article published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
If you’re wondering whether this story applies to your own cancer case or a loved one’s, we invite you to get support from Cancer Commons.
August 26, 2019
New Cervical Cancer Test Could Improve Sensitivity and Specificity Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDResearch paper from the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, selected by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
Human papilloma virus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer. Tests for impending cervix cancer lack sensitivity and specificity. This new test promises to improve both.
Go to full paper published in the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.
If you’re wondering whether this story applies to your own cancer case or a loved one’s, we invite you to get support from Cancer Commons.
January 12, 2019
Role of Immunotherapy in the Management of Locally Advanced and Recurrent/Metastatic Cervical Cancer Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDResearch paper from the Journal of the National Comprehensive Care Network curated by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
Metastatic or advanced cervical cancer remains very difficult to treat. Immunotherapy is showing promise.Go to full article published in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Care Network.
If you’re wondering whether this story applies to your own cancer case or a loved one’s, we invite you to get support from Cancer Commons.