combination therapy

  •   George Lundberg, MD

    This review article in the academic research journal Biomarker Research discusses how combining immunotherapy and targeted therapies provides new hope for people with hepatocellular carcinoma.


  •   George Lundberg, MD

    A special issue of the research journal Annals of Esophagus curated by Contributing Editor George Lundberg, MD.

    This special issue of an academic research journal discusses “multimodality” treatment—the combination of more than one treatment—and how it is used to treat advanced esophageal cancer.


  •   Emma Shtivelman, PhD


    “Precision oncology often relies on treating patients with a single, molecularly matched therapy that targets one mutation in their tumor. In a report, published online in Nature Medicine  on April 22, 2019, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found that treating patients with personalized, combination therapies improved outcomes in patients with therapy resistant cancers.”

    Go to full article published by UC San Diego Health on April 22, 2019.

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