September 9, 2019
How to Treat Uveal Melanoma that Recurs in the Liver?
With: Emma Shtivelman, PhDA Q&A with Emma Shtivelman, PhD, Chief Scientist at Cancer Commons; Q: Malignant melanoma may arise from multiple sites, including the eye. What would you recommend be done for a 50-year-old man in the San Francisco Bay Area who was entirely well for nine years after undergoing enucleation surgery for a large uveal melanoma, but has now been informed by his physician that… Read more »
August 17, 2019
Malignant Melanoma—An Overview Bookmark
George Lundberg, MDCurated by Editor in Chief George Lundberg, MD, who notes:
Malignant melanoma is a fairly common, usually cutaneous, potentially lethal malignancy, and precision oncology has demonstrated some dramatic successes for treatment of its advanced stages. If you wish to learn more, this 2019 encyclopedic discourse from Medscape is solid, current, unbiased, and sensible.